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tv   Headline News  RT  May 12, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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really. the latest news in the week's top stories here on our turkey blame syrian intelligence for the deadly cross border bombing of a turkish town considered an entry point for syrian refugees in rebels but damascus denies involvement. while russia the u.s. and britain officially converge in a common approach to mediate peace in syria the spy then going western backing of the insurgency. pakistan's two time former prime minister nawaz sharif claims victory in the country's historic general election marred by a wave of violent taliban attacks but more balanced than bullets in saturday's historic vote r t brings you the latest from outside of the parliament right here in islamabad. and from first to flop francois lon's first anniversary of becoming the french president sees his popularity slump and drives tens of
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thousands of he's disappointed voters to rally over his failure to meet their expectations. it is three pm in moscow you're watching r t with me marina joshie. turkey says it's detained nine of its citizens in connection with saturday's bombing of a town on the syrian border which is killed sixty forty six people ankara claims the suspects are connected to syrian intelligence and is blaming the attack on damascus which strongly denies any involvement the side of the bombing is known as an entry point for refugees and radical rebels or middle east correspondent posts near has more to call bombs have exploded one was in front of the city hall and the other was in front of a local post office in the turkish. of re hundred which is not fall from the syrian
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border now we still don't have anyone on your organization coming forward and claiming responsibility the turkish vice prime minister has gone on record as saying that he feels that that might be the usual approach said the culprits now it is important to remember that turkey shares a somewhat five hundred mile border with syria and in the past and current has meant it support to syrian rebels who are backing the syrian presidency of bashar assad and ticky has lent the rebels both a staging santa and an area from which they can conduct their logistics so what we're hearing here is that it might in fact the syrian government officials and soldiers who are retaliating against syria but as i mention no conclusive proof of this it is perhaps important to remember that back in february there was a car bomb in the same is eleven at that stage to the turkish government pointed fingers at the assad regime this is an area that does see a lot of fighting between syrian rebel forces and pro side forces and certainly the
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syrian turkish border is extremely volatile our foreign policy analysts dr khan hanum believes the embattled syrian regime is highly unlikely to have orchestrated a cross border attack which actually bears the signature of al qaida linked extremists. you have to ask will the onset of government. be stupid enough to pick an open fight with a country on its border that has the second largest army in in the north atlantic treaty organization i don't see the sense in that i mean it would suggest that the us a regime has a suicide complex and they haven't demonstrated in any of that in the past the timing is certainly very suspicious you know a couple of weeks ago the syrians were used to using poison gas and then call it a party from the united nations. it appears as if that was the insurgency that used
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poison gas certainly wasn't gas disappears then this bombing happens car bombs are the particular signature device that are used by the us some of this very extreme islamist rebels in syria so i would be very careful about clinton figures at this point many people warn that the disavowal war had the potential to spill over into other areas of the middle east that prediction is coming very true these ask the escalation comes amid renewed international push to bring about peace in the region russia is a long running efforts to many of the black solution have now been officially backed by the u.s. and britain but washington london continue to support the rebels and are considering arming them there act like i was there have has more on the latest diplomatic developments. after months of fiery exchanges on the syrian conflict the
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major international players russia the united kingdom and the united states have managed to find a common ground principle position has been that it accused the west of supporting only one side of the syrian conflict that is the side of the syrian rebels moreover russia has been particularly concerned with the calls across the atlantic to arm the syrian rebels to provide them with military training and even possibly intervene into the conflict by force also russia was particularly concerned with statements in the western countries that bashar assad must step down at the same time the western world has never been saying that it's the syrian people that have to choose their new government to have to choose their new future now hardly anyone expected after all of these rhetoric that a meeting between the u.s. state secretary john kerry and the russian president and the russian foreign minister in moscow would produce something positive nevertheless international
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conference which is to be called by the end of this month was the direct result of the meeting in moscow that a conference is expected to have both the members of the syrian opposition and the syrian government at the same negotiation table at the same time a press conference between the russian foreign minister lavrov and john kerry took an interesting twist when a reporter asked about the bill to support the syrian rebels with weaponry which is now being considered by the u.s. congress the reply from the u.s. state secretary it was that if the united states finds substantial proof that chemical weapons were in fact used by bashar assad's troops in syria something which hasn't yet been proven of course then this bill will ultimately become reality which many experts have already described this as a certain leeway for the united states to still have a certain leverage in the syrian conflict now also. the british prime minister david cameron came to the city of. russia. and the biggest intrigue of that meeting
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was whether david cameron would sing to the same tune as john kerry did in moscow it's no secret that we have had differing views on how best to handle the situation but we share fundamental aims to end the conflict to stop syria fragmenting to let the syrian people choose who governs them and to prevent the growth of violent extremism so i strongly support the conference that mr lavrov for mr kerry agreed this week to deliver a political solution a solution which has a transitional government based on the consent of the syrian people as a whole so clearly the events of the of this past week have given us a clear indication that there may be interesting things to come in terms of the syrian conflict and this conference can actually produce something of a peaceful solution to the syrian conflict. the western backing for the armed opposition is being blamed by some for the movement's growing increasingly radicalized but russian and european politics expert professor richard quest s m
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e ng push spear had by moscow opens a chance to turn that tranda around we do know quite a lot about the details of some of the groups involved though the details of the dynamics between them we know very little we do know that the various militant al-qaeda affiliated groups are strengthening because they have been the most tears aleut what has been the greatest tragedy of this whole thing over the last two or so years is that there has been and always was some room in the middle and this is now being squeezed out in part for the policy of the west and it's not only their fault but clearly they have not facilitated those who are willing to negotiate and to go to the table so therefore the evidence of the last few days are the first glimmer of hope exact somehow or other some sort of negotiated settlement could emerge out of those. now he's been pakistan's prime minister twice and was ousted
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fourteen years ago in a military coup but no washer riff is claiming an early victory in the country's general election it's also the country's first democratic transition between civilian government accounting still under way the details now from artie's lucic alpha. despite the threat of violence pakistanis came out in record numbers to vote in the election which will determine the fate of the country for the next five years and as the votes are counted the man poised to come out at the very top is not was sharif and his pm well and party fourteen years after being ousted in a military coup he is on the road to a third term as pakistan's prime minister will have numerous problems to deal with from chronic power cuts to a taliban insurgency he pushing for create free market economic policies and further strain ties with the united states but the vote has also crushed the hopes of millions of pakistanis who want to see real change in the entrenched political system they were counting on cricket legend imran khan and has already he had
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rallied massive support here in the country with calls to end corruption and to end u.s. drone strikes especially among young voters but it wasn't enough to put him at the top still a significant victory for his party now the pakistan people's party which formed the outgoing government took a beating in the polls paying a price for being seen as failing to tackle corruption unemployment and violence while in power of course this in many ways is a historic election it's the first time a democratically elected government is replaced with another the first time that a staggering sixty percent of voters turned out but also on a darker note the first election to go down as the bloodiest in pakistan's history now a string of bomb blasts disrupted election day killing dozens of people the violence came on the heels of a bloody intimidation campaign by the pakistani taliban which is claimed one hundred thirty lives leading up to the vote the group is fighting to topple poppy stone's u.s. backed government which it sees as quote on the islamic another war also some
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allegations of voting irregularities and problems in certain areas mainly in caracas new voting will be held at forty two polling centers where officials said elections are free and fair overall however a successful largely successful election here in pakistan we will of course keep you updated on the latest reporting from islamabad i'm lucy cough an elf. now for a pakistan army major on amin says this election significance is being blown out of proportion. election results all miss because. that largely punjabi party has won in the in punjab in sindh in the party in baluchistan that are seventy shady and murky and in. that he can suffer one this is the step towards pakistan's become edition you see there is no national party no in the lead and all four provinces led by horses who want to bomb different directions
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the military is in deep trouble because the military was instrumental in starting the misuse of religion. in foreign policy and started the in the afghan war starting from ninety to ninety nine and now the whole game is turned against the blue to be taliban i think. are not going to talk because the taliban language is violence and i don't think adel it was possible is some part of taliban the afghan taliban ninety percent of the taliban fighting in afghanistan or pakistan sponsored maybe the peace of pakistani state but in the long run when the americans will draw all the taliban factions will combine and they're going to play hell with the pakistani state. well time's up for mr president say protesters in france are still waiting for the vital changes they desperately voted for a year ago when choosing socialist francois hollande last may. also ahead
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as the british are forced to further tighten their belts find out who did and me a cot in just a couple of minutes here in our team. well . technology innovation. developments around russia we've got this huge you're covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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download the official publication yourself choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television or it just doesn't matter about what your mobile device says you can watch your t.v. any time anyway. welcome back you're watching r t coming to you live from the russian capital now a year ago this week during election pitches and loud pledges with friends show your friends while on into power in a tie run presidential runoff yet today ron half of the lines voters believe the change and improvement they were promised are no work to be seen as are so he has a story. washable.
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was a year ago thousands of people had gathered at this very place to celebrate the victory of socialist president francois hollande but here on the thousands of people are again gathered but for a very different reason this time they're asking their president where are the changes that he had promised asked by the very same people with voted left longdon place recent polls show his popularity has plummeted to less than twenty five percent the. presidents of the past fifty years. and so diplomats. i'll let you know where your promises come on where are they said i just show you this all of it again this is the mission that from now on will be mine to give the european construction i mention of growth employment and prosperity you have france's hit record unemployment of three point two million
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people in march the biggest source of public anger it's also scratched hopes of cutting the budget deficit to three percent of g.d.p. by two thousand and thirteen and the european commission's most recent forecast shows fast will be in recession until the end of the year the seventy five percent income tax on the super rich is also a no go after france's constitutional court overruled it on the very talk of it pushed french actor gerard depardieu to give up his citizenship for a law should one what time is a long did manage to keep is legalizing gay marriage these are supporters it also sparking fears consultation. with all the. people happy with gay marriage but it doesn't feed our families it doesn't even supposing there are realities that are good to say but are also a priority this is the priority is employment we need to eat but it is ok just.
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like your. new president immediately. into the economy or whatever you want anyway i just would like to hear your president which is not making that mr romney which is keeping some heat on which is not going to explain that you know where the magic recipient of no one has been for . yeah yeah yeah. a magic recipe this film. her says is nonexistent he made this video during last year's presidential campaign to show the country's lack of choice. did you feel when you listen to the media you'd think there were a lot of differences between the two that's just on a superficial level the most important things they agree with do we need to
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intervene in another country to find they will agree to intervening in other countries because the always been behind. a lot is well aware of his unpopularity that says he will weather this storm improve he can't keep his promises at the end of this five year term. time fine we are here to tell him mr president time is up in the need to start changing but others like these workers from a recently closed steel plant to eastern france are not even hopeful symbolically laid to rest a lot of broken promises under which reads the trail. does are still our t. harris our series of violent protests bangladesh throughout the week as hundreds of hard line islamists clashed with police protests terrorists demanded the introduction of a new blasphemy law and to reinstate in the constitution police used tear gas
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rubber bullets and water cannons to try and disperse the angry mob the government so far refused to give in to the demands that a day who is a campaigner against war crimes says the islamist won't back down either. they never exhibited the really secular identity of the magician and over the last forty two years that they have been actually conspiring against ito's of a secular state and they are trying to convert it to another state like pakistan trying to make peace and govern and state by creating anarchy and whatever you are seeing is actually the result of all the terms they have been trying. for the last forty years for some of the major political parties that you can be the main opposition party has been supporting. meanwhile as the twenty fourteen nato withdrawal from afghanistan approaches it's getting india worried it's concerned out with foreign troops out of the volatile state the taliban will gravitate to indian controlled kashmir south asia. party says the growing violence throughout
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the region is fueling concerns because main concern is that. afghanistan will become much more unstable plots nato troops withdraw. and understanding intervention might increase. there may well be another round of civil war that will. start into much more of a breeding ground for terrorism and of course. unstable part of india and once taliban and other militant groups in afghanistan. and by the stance tribal areas. become more and there's more control over them then they could influence train didn't greater numbers in kashmir and that's of course all over what it. looking around the world to add some more of today's top stories well
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first to iran where powerful earthquake which has left a child dead and left several other people injured it registered six point zero on the richter scale and the epicenter was near a remote city in the southern province of harmon's gone the quake severely damaged around seventy villages and led to series of aftershocks last month iran suffered its biggest earthquake in fifty years. thousands have marched across central tel aviv over proposes to measure is due to be debated by the israeli government on monday and they are expected to raise taxes and cut welfare protesters are aiming their anger at the newly installed finance minister needs election campaign was built on supporting the middle class who are likely to be hit hard by his cuts. crowds gathered outside bulgaria's parliament after hundreds of thousands of illegally printed ballots were seized just hours before sunday's parliamentary election it could prove to be
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a tough challenge for the european union's poorest member as thirty eight parties and seven coalitions are in the running the former prime minister was forced to step down in february amid nationwide protests about the country's worsening state right now twenty two percent of bulgaria live under the poverty line and twelve percent are unemployed. now britons to stick to it's a sterile according to the government's annual plan that was delivered in the queen's speech but with tens of thousands of jobs expected to be slashed by mid two thousand and thirteen in the financial sector alone some brits are wondering whether it's time the market committed to the cuts as well playboy when i reports. my minister's first priority will be to reduce the deficit and restore economic stability at the same time the creed set to get a five billion pound pay rise this year they're six point one million pounds from the. taxpayer will go towards the queen and her residence says her royal chefs and
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footman cost an estimated ten million pounds a year thirty six million is divided into money which runs the royal household of the queen and the duke of edinburgh most of it goes on salaries also on the upkeep of royal palaces such as buckingham palace windsor castle and all more royal trouble at home and abroad the british monarchy has become synonymous with the image of britain because it is the world's most high profile maliki the queen of ages seven and the duke of edinburgh at ninety one are remarkable examples of public service and of national unity but the cost to the public purse rises steadily as austerity sets in the five million pound increase in the queen's expenses from the states represents a fifteen percent rise vital services are being lost while the queen gets this big
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pay rise i think it's very unfair given that she is personally one of the wealthiest people in britain where the personal wealth of in excess of three hundred million pounds the royal family has over seven hundred servants six palaces they can quite clearly afford themselves to cover any increased costs they shouldn't be begging for the state it's a royal spectacle such as the daily changing of the guards at buckingham palace the groovin terrorists from around the globe but in these times of austerity some of beginning to question why the windsors haven't tighten their belts along with the rest of the queen's subjects last month the guardian poll found that eighty eight percent of brits weren't happy with the pay rise think this should give more to the poor not to get too much money the future of not overly impressed to be honest i'm sure she's got more than a. money to survive when she gets a she brings in quite
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a bit on the toys some whatever but where does it go where where does it that the people that i miss because i work for a macand were carrying you know they're being kept well where does it our progress we have no money elsewhere in europe royals have had to raid best spending in the face of public opinion the spanish royal family's budget has been reduced for a third year in a row the british monarchy actually stands out around the world it's completely different to almost every other molecule that you can think of in the sense that they are still surrounded by so much home and circumstance and all the marching bands and the the the horses the wide alongside the fronts of carriages the published figures suggest that the royal family the queen and everybody else tosses around something close to forty million pounds a year but doesn't take into account all the extra security all the police work that it gets involved in protecting her and the rest of the family and it doesn't
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take into account the money that some lost of the sticker because she and prince charles in particular get lots of touch privileges that the rest of us aren't entitle to and while the government has pushed through budget cuts to the national health service and slashed welfare as part of an unprecedented austerity drive there are those that say that prime minister david cameron's promise that britain is all in it together doesn't include the queen of england. london using art as expression for the mentally ill is what we will get next here on r.t. . you know i've been asked a few times if i believe in conspiracy theories. which is kind of an odd question i
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mean you just in general believe in conspiracy theories like all of them even the ones that contradict each other i mean j.f.k. could have been killed by the mob the cia the k.g.b. and very secret societies at the same time or could he have been no it's just declare themselves official conspiracy theories that's silly obviously it isn't could just go around fishing for evil plots to explain every situation the mainstream media sure does lie a lot but i think they're telling the truth about that whole sky being blue thing but on the other hand if you never question what the glowing box in your house tells you that just makes you a sucker the kind of sucker who bought that there were magical mysterious invisible weapons of mass destruction in iraq and you know what in all honesty there's actually been real evil conspiracies that have been exposed like the tuskegee experiment and the fascist coup attempt against president roosevelt in one nine hundred thirty s. overall people think that spears the theories are a matter of belief but actually they're completely a matter of facts and there's a lot of good evidence to support a conspiracy and good arguments that maybe you should consider it but if someone tells you the president is actually
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a rip tell him from the cosmos yeah you might want to just stay away from that one but that's just my opinion. yes it's interesting yes the filters of three new fees along with the supply in the news media. has been should be put into thinking and changing in a good fluid global we're seeing new media still need to be meaning to be sure. if it's because it's in there for the it's not simply if you some
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special boy. put some time out of the medical school with some good school use a little of the middle of the first news a little just some of the simple stuff. because some of the other girl was more than that someone mutal your miriam's. their income while putting out more thought on that. so i mean. the pressure pressure so fast i mean. you have partial pressure that the shift going on. you know my. work is shot.


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